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Glebe Church
October, 2024


Glebe Episcopal Church

4400 Nansemond Parkway

Suffolk, Virginia 23435

Telephone: (757) 538-8842



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Shepherd's Corner by: Reverend Donna Hines

Thoughts from our Priest        September and October, 2024

My heart is full of thanksgiving as I reflect on the ways in which God has allowed us to join in bringing the kingdom of God to those in our community!


Dozens of children and their families enjoyed the blessings of Vacation Bible School as we partnered with Beech Grove Methodist Church again this year! A huge special thanks to our Crafts Coordinator, Phyllis Edwards, Becky Mahoney, Glebe’s VBS volunteers and all those who donated to this ministry to the children of our community!


In addition, Glebe partnered with the Salvation Army and their Seats and Feets socks and undergarments Outreach to children in need in the local community. Special thanks to Theresa and Aaron Fuchs for leading this Outreach Ministry!


As the summer continued our “Stuff the Sack” Backpack Outreach Organizer, Debbie Beck created opportunity for us to share God’s love with 22 Florence Bowser Elementary students. Backpacks were filled with grade specific school supplies and extra classroom supplies in support of our neighbors at Florence Bowser Elementary school. A huge thanks to Debbie Beck, Rebecca Mahoney, Carla Jones and all those who generously donated to this Outreach in our local community!


This month Glebe will share God’s love with the guests of the Salvation Army’s local Lunch Ministry on September 26, 2024, at noon. All are welcome to help as Glebe parishioners prepare and serve a delicious lunch as an expression of God’s love. Special thanks to Glebe’s Commissioner for Engagement, Theresa O’Bryne and our Vestry for their support of this Glebe Outreach ministry!  A BIG Thank You Aaron Fuchs for providing the smoked BBQ for this Outreach!


We give thanks for our incredible Prayer Shawl Ministry Team who create tangible evidence of God’s love and care to be given to those going through a difficult time. Thank you all for your devotion to pray for others and to provide a welcoming place for folks to gather and connect!


And what a joy to begin and end our summer with the Baptisms of Samuel Denmon and Carter Dail! God is at work in our midst! We give thanks for the opportunity to welcome Samuel and Carter into the life of faith in Christ! We are blessed, indeed!


A Word of Personal Update and Change to our Worship Schedule for

September and October 2024


In addition to the above thanksgivings, I am deeply thankful for your prayers and support for me. I want to share with you that my medical team has recommended I take some time for my brain and body to continue recovering from the Post Concussion Syndrome that began last October. It has continued for the last ten months.


Most concussions heal more rapidly, but the brain injury I experienced is of a different sort. I have continued therapies since March.


After communication with Bishop Haynes, our Wardens and staff and in light of my continued symptoms, I have attached an adjusted schedule for services during September and October of 2024.


They include Eucharist once a month and Morning Prayers services on the other weeks for those two months. I look forward to serving with you and a return to our regular service schedule beginning on November 3, 2024, for the observance of All Saints’ Day.


Thank you for your care, prayers and support during these past months!

I love and appreciate you all so very much! I look forward to our ministry together, and though it doesn’t seem like it, All Saints’ isn’t far around the corner!


Please find our Worship schedule for September and October below.

I give thanks for you and am ever grateful to be your shepherd! Thank you for your faithful service and for being the witnesses for Christ you each are as God has richly gifted you!


Together in God’s great love,

Reverend Donna+

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Coming Events:

         ❖ Sunday: 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II. Join us as we worship.                                                    


       Our mission as Glebe Episcopal Church is to foster a supportive family atmosphere in the historical setting left in our care and welcome all who seek God to worship and learn with us as we strive to live our lives following the example set by Jesus Christ.

Parish Life Calendar 2024


Sept. 22     Morning Prayer, Rite II 10:00am

Sept. 25     Prayer Shaw Group 1:30pm

Sept. 29     Morning Prayer, Rite II 10:00am


Oct.  6        Morning Prayer Rite II 10:00am

Oct.  9        Prayer Shawl Group 1:30pm

Oct.  13      Morning Prayer Rite II 10:00am -

Oct.  16      Vestry Meeting 7:00pm

Oct.  20      Morning Prayer Rite II  Congregational Meeting

                  Breakfast with the Vestry 10:00am

Oct.  23      Prayer Shawl Group 1:30p.m


Oct.  27       Morning Prayer Rite II 10:00am

Oct.  29      Trunk or Treat at Beech Grove UNC 7:00pm


Nov.  3        Holy Eucharist Rite II - All Saints' Sunday 10:00am

Nov.  10      Holy Eucharist Rite II 10:00am

Nov.  13      Prayer Shawl Group 1:30pm

Nov.  17      Holy Eucharist Rite II 10:00am

                   Parish Thanksgiving Dinner 6:00pm

Nov.  20      Vestry Meeting 7:00pm

Nov.  24      Holy Eucharist Rite II 10:00am

Nov.  27      Prayer Shawl Group 1:30pm


Dec.  1        Holy Eucharist Rite II - First Sunday in Advent 10:00am

Dec.  4        Advent Soup and Salad program 6:00pm

Dec.  8        Holy Eucharist Rite Rite II  Advent 2 10:00am

                   Mollusk Madness 5:00pm

Dec.  11      Prayer Shawl Group 1:30pm

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Morning Prayer Rite 2


Breakfast with the



Congregational Meeting

October 20, 2024


in Keener Hall

Safe Church Training


Safe Church and Lay Ministry Training Information

Safe Church Training
Specialized: Sept. 28, Nov. 16 - New Date!

Universal: Sept. 26, Nov. 17 - New Date!
Learn More 



Specialized Training Workshops

This training is required for vestry members, clergy, church staff.

Universal Training Workshops

This training is suitable for Sunday school teachers and VBS volunteers (it does NOT meet requirements for Vestry members, clergy, or church staff). Click here to find out if this is the training you should take.




O God, our times are in your hand: Look with favor, we pray, on your servants who will celebrate a birthday this month. as they begin another year. Grant that they may grow in wisdom and grace and strengthen their trust in your goodness all the days of their lives, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


    Sept. 1      Robert                        Sept. 2      Anderson 
   Sept. 11    Tobin                          Sept. 11    Sasha
   Sept. 17    Lisa                             Sept. 17    Wayne 
   Sept. 20    Jack                             Sept. 22    Chase 
   Sept. 28    Deanna                      Sept. 30    Cathy 
   Oct.   2      Gary                            Oct.   3      Eleanor
   Oct.   6      Debbie                        Oct.   6      Dylan 
   Oct.   9      Brendan                     Oct.  14     David 
   Oct.   14    Cora                            Oct.  29     Garrison 
   Oct.   29    Christopher               Oct.  29     Richard 



O God, you have so consecrated the covenant of marriage that in it is represented the spiritual unity between Christ and his Church: Send therefore your blessing upon these your servants, that they may so love, honor, and cherish each other in faithfulness and patience, in wisdom and true godliness, that their home may be a haven of blessing and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


J     Sept. 22    Theresa & Aaron         Sept. 23    Rita & Steve 
      Sept. 29    Debbie & Wayne         Oct.  14    Diane & David 
      Oct.  30    Kathryn & Jesse            Oct.  31    Tina & Mark 

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As we move from the lazy, hazy and hot days of Summer into the cooler days for Autumn we will enjoy the cooler days and warm fires. This is my favorite season of the year! The beautiful colors, the excitement of football games and the beginning preparations for Thanksgiving and Christmas.


Dates to remember:


September 26:  Salvation Army Lunch

October 20:       Breakfast With the Vestry & Congregational Meeting  10:00am

October 26:       Trunk or Treat at Beech Grove UMC 4:00-7:00pm

November 3:     Fall Back time as Daylight savings time comes to an end

November 17:   Parish Thanksgiving Dinner at 6:00pm.


Rebecca Mahoney, Parish Administrator

Glebe Episcopal Church
Telephone: (757) 538-8842 




What a hot, fast summer we had!  Hope everyone had a great time and is now ready to get back to routines and schedules. I see school zone lights flashing and school buses making rounds, so come on fall. 

Ladies' Night Out
We had a fun-filled, food-filled ladies' night out in Keener Hall on August 10th. About 25 of us gathered with our favorite things and favorite foods. We started with a gift exchange. We brought in 2 gifts of our favorite thing, described what and why they're favorite and got to choose 2 gifts from among the items. What a fun way to learn a little more about each of us. Afterwards, we indulged in lots of different foods. Everyone left with very full tummies.
Let's think about our next night out and get one planned!

Upcoming events
Our traditional Thanksgiving Dinner  November 17
The Holiday Tea December 15

Looking forward to seeing everyone back from vacations and summer breaks. 

Upcoming: our Homecoming Picnic. More details to come!

Thank you for helping to make Glebe fun!

Debbie Eure


Prayer Shawl Group


Prayer Shawl Group meets the second and fourthWednesday of the Month.

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You are invited to join our diligent knitters and crocheters or join our group for the fellowship even if you do not knit or crochet on Wednesday, August 14 and August 21. at 1:30p.m. in the Parish Office.


All prayer shawls are blessed during a Sunday Eucharist service.


For more information, please contact Becky Mahoney via telephone: (757) 538-8842 or email: Thank you for your contribution to the wonderful ministry. Also, if you know someone who needs a prayer shawl, please let Rev. Donna know.

GLEBE HAPPENINGS: by Theresa O’Bryen 

Glebe is getting ready to kick off another year of Sunday School. We are working hard to get dates set for our youngest Glebians to get back into the classroom. Thanks to many generous donations, the Sunday school is bursting with supplies. However, we are still in need of volunteers to ensure the program can run. According to regulations, two adults must be with students at all times. Please consider being a second adult with the class. The Sunday school teachers will lead all lessons and prepare all material. We are just in need of a second person to make sure we are following regulations and keeping our students safe. Even a one time support would be greatly appreciated. Please reach out to Theresa O’Byrne if interested.

Glebe Vestry has been looking to increase outreach in our community. One way we are meeting this goal is through partnership with the Salvation Army in Suffolk. We will be serving lunch at the Salvation Army Suffolk location on Thursday September 26th. We are looking for 5 to 6 volunteers who can help with serve. 

Glebe Salvation Army Outreach

We will partner with the Salvation Army Suffolk Soup Kitchen 400 Bank St. Suffolk, VA
On Thursday, September 26, 2024, as they offer lunch  from 12pm - 1pm to those in our local community.

They have shared the following helpful information:

•    Our office opens at 9:30am and your group is welcome to arrive early for food prep/cooking, and/or set up.
•    We usually have between 1-4 volunteers on site to provide additional assistance.
•    We operate with a small staff, no janitor, and all our employees work together to ensure the facility is clean and in working order.
Minimum number of volunteers: 4-5 (recommended)
•    Greeter - checks individuals in by using our sheet that tracks plates etc.
•    Servers - one or two people to plate the food (off our food warmer/table) and drinks
•    floaters - refills, clean up duty.
•    Cook - someone experienced on the stove and/or oven
•    Clean up -someone to help get the kitchen and fellowship hall back in working order (empty trash, wash dishes, wipe tables, check restroom)
We try to provide a complete meal - meal, dessert (i.e. cookie, cupcake, pastry) drink (i.e. lemonade or tea - recommend mix) We have ice water and pitchers to serve.
•    We ask that you provide enough food to feed approximately 50 people.
•    If you are able to provide the paper dinnerware, it's most appreciative, but if not, please let us know so we can make sure we have enough. (cups, plates, forks, napkins)

Please reach out to Theresa or Becky if interested.

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The Prayer Shawl Group meets the second and fourth Wednesday of the Month.
You are invited to join our diligent knitters and crocheters or join our group for the fellowship even if you do not knit or crochet on Wednesday, September 11, September 25, October 9, and October 23  at 1:30p.m. in the Parish Office. You are welcome to join us.


All prayer shawls are blessed during a Sunday Eucharist service.
For more information, please contact Becky Mahoney via telephone: (757) 538-8842 or email: Thank you for your contribution to the wonderful ministry.

Also, if you know someone who needs a prayer shawl, please let Rev. Donna 


Ecclesiastes 3:1-6 NIV

There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:

2     a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3     a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,

4     a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5     a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,

6     a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7     a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8     a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.




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